LION Yerevan

Adventures in Learning

Reflecting on our time in Armenia

After being home for a week, I feel like I have grown to miss Armenia more. I was really glad to be home when we landed, and the following days I was really looking forward to relaxing. One thing I miss about Armenia is the lifestyle they lived there. It was nice not having to worry about rushing while we were over there, and I really enjoyed walking and taking public transportation everywhere. I also really miss being with everyone every day; it took a lot to adjust back to having more alone time once I got home. I am really grateful for my time in Armenia because I learned so much, a lot that I could not have learnt if I did not experience it. I have also really enjoyed teaching my family everything that I have learned over in Armenia and the history about the region. We all realized this while we were in Armenia, but our school system does not teach about the Armenian genocide at all, even though it teaches about other genocides. I remember learning, of course, about the Holocaust, and even the Rwandan genocide, but not the Armenian genocide. My brother just finished his junior year of high school and when I was explaining it, he was telling me that he hadn’t even heard of the Armenian genocide before, but he remembered learning about the Rwandan genocide. It’s been super interesting being able to come back and teach our friends and family about Armenia and the region, but I wish our society paid more attention to other regions of the world in our K-through-12 education.

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